Saturday, August 11, 2007


"pennicle": Main Entry: 1pin·na·cle
Pronunciation: 'pi-ni-k&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English pinacle, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin pinnaculum small wing, gable, from Latin pinna wing, battlement
Date: 14th century
1 : an upright architectural member generally ending in a small spire and used especially in Gothic construction to give weight especially to a buttress
2 : a structure or formation suggesting a pinnacle; specifically : a lofty peak
3 : the highest point of development or achievement : ACME
synonym see SUMMIT

...However, according to Christine this can be used to describe someone so ridiculously hot that they are immediately top tier...


BlogThis said...

who is Christine ?

DwightLA said...

who are you rather?

x said...

Ahahha yeah seriously, blogthis. IM CHRISTINE - WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO ABOUT IT
(btw, that photo is a perf example.. sigh)